Bases: EntryAreaMargins
This class is a data model for the entry area margins.
Source code in rendercv/themes/engineeringresumes/
Bases: HighlightsAreaMargins
This class is a data model for the highlights area margins.
Source code in rendercv/themes/engineeringresumes/
Bases: HeaderMargins
This class is a data model for the header margins.
Source code in rendercv/themes/engineeringresumes/
Bases: Margins
This class is a data model for the margins.
Source code in rendercv/themes/engineeringresumes/
Bases: ThemeOptions
This class is the data model of the theme options for the engineeringresumes
Source code in rendercv/themes/engineeringresumes/
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 |
Jinja Templates¶
\documentclass[<<design.font_size>>, <<design.page_size>>]{article}
% Packages:
ignoreheadfoot, % set margins without considering header and footer
top=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the top
bottom=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the bottom
left=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the left
right=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the right
footskip=<<|divide_length_by(2)>>, % seperation between body and footer
% showframe % for debugging
]{geometry} % for adjusting page geometry
\usepackage{titlesec} % for customizing section titles
\usepackage{tabularx} % for making tables with fixed width columns
\usepackage{array} % tabularx requires this
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % for coloring text
\definecolor{primaryColor}{RGB}{<<design.color.as_rgb_tuple()|join(", ")>>} % define primary color
\usepackage{enumitem} % for customizing lists
\usepackage{fontawesome5} % for using icons
\usepackage{amsmath} % for math
pdftitle={<<>>'s CV},
pdfcreator={LaTeX with RenderCV},
]{hyperref} % for links, metadata and bookmarks
\usepackage[pscoord]{eso-pic} % for floating text on the page
\usepackage{calc} % for calculating lengths
\usepackage{bookmark} % for bookmarks
\usepackage{lastpage} % for getting the total number of pages
\usepackage{changepage} % for one column entries (adjustwidth environment)
\usepackage{paracol} % for two and three column entries
\usepackage{ifthen} % for conditional statements
\usepackage{needspace} % for avoiding page brake right after the section title
\usepackage{iftex} % check if engine is pdflatex, xetex or luatex
% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable:
((* if design.font == "Latin Modern Serif" *))
((* elif design.font == "Latin Modern Sans Serif" *))
((* elif design.font == "Latin Modern Mono" *))
((* elif design.font == "Source Sans 3" *))
\usepackage[default, type1]{sourcesanspro}
((* elif design.font == "Charter" *))
((* endif *))
% Some settings:
((* if design.text_alignment == "justified-with-no-hyphenation" *))
((* elif design.text_alignment == "left-aligned" *))
((* endif *))
\AtBeginEnvironment{adjustwidth}{\partopsep0pt} % remove space before adjustwidth environment
\pagestyle{empty} % no header or footer
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % no section numbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % no indentation
\setlength{\topskip}{0pt} % no top skip
\setlength{\columnsep}{0.15cm} % set column seperation
((* if design.disable_page_numbering *))
\pagenumbering{gobble} % no page numbering
((* else *))
((* set page_numbering_style_placeholders = {
"PAGE_NUMBER": "\\thepage{}",
"TOTAL_PAGES": "\pageref*{LastPage}",
"TODAY": today
} *))
\let\ps@customFooterStyle\ps@plain % Copy the plain style to customFooterStyle
\color{gray}\textit{\small <<design.page_numbering_style|replace_placeholders_with_actual_values(page_numbering_style_placeholders)>>}
}{}{} % replace number by desired string
((* endif *))
% left space:
% top space:
% bottom space:
} % section title spacing
\renewcommand\labelitemi{$\vcenter{\hbox{\small$\bullet$}}$} % custom bullet points
leftmargin=<<design.margins.highlights_area.left>> + 10pt
} % new environment for highlights
} % new environment for highlights for bullet entries
<<design.margins.entry_area.left_and_right>> + 0.00001 cm
<<design.margins.entry_area.left_and_right>> + 0.00001 cm
} % new environment for one column entries
\setcolumnwidth{\fill, <<design.margins.entry_area.date_and_location_width>>}
\switchcolumn \raggedleft \secondColumn
} % new environment for two column entries
\setcolumnwidth{<<design.margins.entry_area.education_degree_width>>, \fill, <<design.margins.entry_area.date_and_location_width>>}
{\raggedright #2} \switchcolumn
\switchcolumn \raggedleft \thirdColumn
} % new environment for three column entries
} % new environment for the header
((* set last_updated_date_style_placeholders = {
"TODAY": today,
} *))
\newcommand{\placelastupdatedtext}{% \placetextbox{<horizontal pos>}{<vertical pos>}{<stuff>}
\AddToShipoutPictureFG*{% Add <stuff> to current page foreground
% save the original href command in a new command:
% new command for external links:
((* if not design.disable_external_link_icons *))
\renewcommand{\href}[2]{\hrefWithoutArrow{#1}{\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{ }{#2 }\raisebox{.15ex}{\footnotesize \faExternalLink*}}}
((* endif *))
((* if not design.disable_last_updated_date *))
((* endif *))
((* if is not none *))
\fontsize{<<design.header_font_size>>}{<<design.header_font_size>>}\selectfont <<>>
((* for connection in cv.connections *))
((* if design.use_icons_for_connections *))
\mbox{((*- if connection["url"] -*))
((*- else -*))
((*- endif -*))}%
((* else *))
\mbox{((*- if connection["url"] -*))
((*- else -*))
((*- endif -*))}%
((* endif *))
((* if not loop.last *))
\kern <<design.margins.header.horizontal_between_connections|divide_length_by(2)>>%
\kern <<design.margins.header.horizontal_between_connections|divide_length_by(2)>>%
((* endif *))
((* endfor *))
\vspace{<<design.margins.header.bottom>> - <<>>}
((* endif *))
((* if entry_type == "BulletEntry" *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry_type == "BulletEntry" *))
((* endif *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))
\textbf{<<entry.label>>:} <<entry.details>>
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
\textbf{<<entry.institution>>}, ((* if *))<<>> in ((* endif *))<<entry.area>>((* if entry.location *)) -- <<entry.location>>((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
((* for item in entry.highlights *))
((* if loop.first *))
((* endif *))
\item <<item>>
((* if loop.last *))
((* endif *))
((* endfor *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
\textbf{<<entry.position>>}, <<>>((* if entry.location *)) -- <<entry.location>>((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
((* for item in entry.highlights *))
((* if loop.first *))
((* endif *))
\item <<item>>
((* if loop.last *))
((* endif *))
((* endfor *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
\textbf{<<>>}((* if entry.location *)) -- <<entry.location>>((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
((* for item in entry.highlights *))
((* if loop.first *))
((* endif *))
\item <<item>>
((* if loop.last *))
((* endif *))
((* endfor *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry.date_string *))
((* else *))
((* endif *))
<<entry.authors|map("make_it_nolinebreak")|join(", ")>>
((* if entry.doi or entry.journal or entry.url *))
((* endif *))
((* if entry.doi -*))
((* elif entry.url -*))
((*- endif -*))
((*- if (entry.doi or entry.url) and entry.journal *)) (((* endif -*))
((*- if entry.journal -*))
((*- endif -*))
((*- if (entry.doi or entry.url) and entry.journal *)))((* endif -*))