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The rendercv.themes.common_options module contains the standard data models for the design options. To avoid code duplication, the themes are encouraged to inherit from these data models.


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a data model for the page margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class PageMargins(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a data model for the page margins."""

    top: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="2 cm",
        title="Top Margin",
        description="The top margin of the page with units. The default value is 2 cm.",
    bottom: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="2 cm",
        title="Bottom Margin",
            "The bottom margin of the page with units. The default value is 2 cm."
    left: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="2 cm",
        title="Left Margin",
            "The left margin of the page with units. The default value is 2 cm."
    right: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="2 cm",
        title="Right Margin",
            "The right margin of the page with units. The default value is 2 cm."


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a data model for the section title margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class SectionTitleMargins(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a data model for the section title margins."""

    top: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.3 cm",
        title="Top Margin",
        description="The top margin of section titles. The default value is 0.3 cm.",
    bottom: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.2 cm",
        title="Bottom Margin",
        description="The bottom margin of section titles. The default value is 0.3 cm.",


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a data model for the entry area margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class EntryAreaMargins(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a data model for the entry area margins."""

    left_and_right: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.2 cm",
        title="Left Margin",
        description="The left margin of entry areas. The default value is 0.2 cm.",

    vertical_between: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.2 cm",
        title="Vertical Margin Between Entry Areas",
            "The vertical margin between entry areas. The default value is 0.2 cm."

    date_and_location_width: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="4.5 cm",
        title="Date and Location Column Width",
            "The width of the date and location column. The default value is 4.5 cm."


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a data model for the highlights area margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class HighlightsAreaMargins(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a data model for the highlights area margins."""

    top: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.10 cm",
        title="Top Margin",
        description="The top margin of highlights areas. The default value is 0.10 cm.",
    left: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.4 cm",
        title="Left Margin",
        description="The left margin of highlights areas. The default value is 0.4 cm.",
    vertical_between_bullet_points: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.10 cm",
        title="Vertical Margin Between Bullet Points",
            "The vertical margin between bullet points. The default value is 0.10 cm."


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a data model for the header margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class HeaderMargins(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a data model for the header margins."""

    vertical_between_name_and_connections: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.3 cm",
        title="Vertical Margin Between the Name and Connections",
            "The vertical margin between the name of the person and the connections."
            " The default value is 0.3 cm."
    bottom: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.3 cm",
        title="Bottom Margin",
            "The bottom margin of the header, i.e., the vertical margin between the"
            " connections and the first section title. The default value is 0.3 cm."
    horizontal_between_connections: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="0.5 cm",
        title="Space Between Connections",
            "The space between the connections (like phone, email, and website). The"
            " default value is 0.5 cm."


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a data model for the margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class Margins(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a data model for the margins."""

    page: PageMargins = pydantic.Field(
        title="Page Margins",
        description="Page margins.",
    section_title: SectionTitleMargins = pydantic.Field(
        title="Section Title Margins",
        description="Section title margins.",
    entry_area: EntryAreaMargins = pydantic.Field(
        title="Entry Area Margins",
        description="Entry area margins.",
    highlights_area: HighlightsAreaMargins = pydantic.Field(
        title="Highlights Area Margins",
        description="Highlights area margins.",
    header: HeaderMargins = pydantic.Field(
        title="Header Margins",
        description="Header margins.",


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is a generic data model for the theme options. The themes are encouraged to inherit from this data model and add their own options, to avoid code duplication.

Source code in rendercv/themes/
class ThemeOptions(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is a generic data model for the theme options. The themes are
    encouraged to inherit from this data model and add their own options, to avoid code

    model_config = pydantic.ConfigDict(extra="forbid")

    theme: Literal["tobeoverwritten"]

    font: Literal[
        "Latin Modern Serif",
        "Latin Modern Sans Serif",
        "Latin Modern Mono",
        "Source Sans 3",
    ] = pydantic.Field(
        default="Latin Modern Serif",
            "The font family of the CV. The default value is Latin Modern Serif."
    font_size: Literal["10pt", "11pt", "12pt"] = pydantic.Field(
        title="Font Size",
        description="The font size of the CV. The default value is 10pt.",
    page_size: Literal["a4paper", "letterpaper"] = pydantic.Field(
        title="Page Size",
            "The page size of the CV. It can be a4paper or letterpaper. The default"
            " value is letterpaper."
    color: pydantic_color.Color = pydantic.Field(
        title="Primary Color",
            "The primary color of the theme. \nThe color can be specified either with"
            " their name (,"
            " hexadecimal value, RGB value, or HSL value. The default value is"
            " rgb(0,79,144)."
        examples=["Black", "7fffd4", "rgb(0,79,144)", "hsl(270, 60%, 70%)"],
    disable_external_link_icons: bool = pydantic.Field(
        title="Disable External Link Icons",
            "If this option is set to true, then the external link icons will not be"
            " shown next to the links. The default value is false."
    disable_page_numbering: bool = pydantic.Field(
        title="Disable Page Numbering",
            "If this option is set to true, then the page numbering will not be shown."
            " The default value is false."
    page_numbering_style: str = pydantic.Field(
        default="NAME - Page PAGE_NUMBER of TOTAL_PAGES",
        title="Page Numbering Style",
            "The style of the page numbering. The following placeholders can be"
            " used:\n- NAME: The name of the person\n- PAGE_NUMBER: The current page"
            " number\n- TOTAL_PAGES: The total number of pages\n- TODAY: Today's month"
            " and year (April 2024)\nThe default value is NAME - Page PAGE_NUMBER of"
            " TOTAL_PAGES."
    disable_last_updated_date: bool = pydantic.Field(
        title="Disable Last Updated Date",
            "If this option is set to true, then the last updated date will not be"
            " shown in the header. The default value is false."
    last_updated_date_style: str = pydantic.Field(
        default="Last updated in TODAY",
        title="Last Updated Date Style",
            "The style of the last updated date. The following placeholders can be"
            " used:\n- TODAY: Today's month and year (April 2024)\nThe default value is"
            " Last updated in TODAY."
    header_font_size: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="30 pt",
        title="Header Font Size",
            "The font size of the header (the name of the person). The default value is"
            " 30 pt."
    text_alignment: Literal[
        "left-aligned", "justified", "justified-with-no-hyphenation"
    ] = pydantic.Field(
        title="Text Alignment",
        description="The alignment of the text. The default value is justified.",
    seperator_between_connections: str = pydantic.Field(
        title="Seperator Between Connections",
            "The separator between the connections in the header. The default value is"
            " empty string."
    use_icons_for_connections: bool = pydantic.Field(
        title="Use Icons for Connections",
            "If this option is set to true, then icons will be used for the connections"
            " in the header. The default value is true."
    margins: Margins = pydantic.Field(
        description="Page, section title, entry field, and highlights field margins.",