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Bases: EntryAreaMargins

This class is a data model for the entry area margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/classic/
class EntryAreaMarginsForClassic(EntryAreaMargins):
    """This class is a data model for the entry area margins."""

    education_degree_width: LaTeXDimension = pydantic.Field(
        default="1 cm",
        title="Date and Location Column Width",
            "The width of the degree column in EducationEntry. The default value is"
            " 1 cm."


Bases: Margins

This class is a data model for the margins.

Source code in rendercv/themes/classic/
class MarginsForClassic(Margins):
    """This class is a data model for the margins."""

    entry_area: EntryAreaMarginsForClassic = pydantic.Field(
        title="Entry Area Margins",
        description="Entry area margins.",


Bases: ThemeOptions

This class is the data model of the theme options for the classic theme.

Source code in rendercv/themes/classic/
class ClassicThemeOptions(ThemeOptions):
    """This class is the data model of the theme options for the `classic` theme."""

    theme: Literal["classic"]
    font: Literal[
        "Latin Modern Serif",
        "Latin Modern Sans Serif",
        "Latin Modern Mono",
        "Source Sans 3",
    ] = pydantic.Field(
        default="Source Sans 3",
        description="The font family of the CV. The default value is Source Sans 3.",
    show_timespan_in: list[str] = pydantic.Field(
        title="Show Time Span in These Sections",
            "The time span will be shown in the date and location column in these"
            " sections. The input should be a list of section titles as strings"
            " (case-sensitive). The default value is [] (no section will show the time"
            " span)."
    margins: MarginsForClassic = pydantic.Field(
        description="Page, section title, entry field, and highlights field margins.",

Jinja Templates


\documentclass[<<design.font_size>>, <<design.page_size>>]{article}

% Packages:
    ignoreheadfoot, % set margins without considering header and footer
    top=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the top
    bottom=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the bottom
    left=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the left
    right=<<>>, % seperation between body and page edge from the right
    footskip=<<|divide_length_by(2)>>, % seperation between body and footer
    % showframe % for debugging 
]{geometry} % for adjusting page geometry
\usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} % for customizing section titles
\usepackage{tabularx} % for making tables with fixed width columns
\usepackage{array} % tabularx requires this
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % for coloring text
\definecolor{primaryColor}{RGB}{<<design.color.as_rgb_tuple()|join(", ")>>} % define primary color
\usepackage{enumitem} % for customizing lists
\usepackage{fontawesome5} % for using icons
\usepackage{amsmath} % for math
    pdftitle={<<>>'s CV},
    pdfcreator={LaTeX with RenderCV},
]{hyperref} % for links, metadata and bookmarks
\usepackage[pscoord]{eso-pic} % for floating text on the page
\usepackage{calc} % for calculating lengths
\usepackage{bookmark} % for bookmarks
\usepackage{lastpage} % for getting the total number of pages
\usepackage{changepage} % for one column entries (adjustwidth environment)
\usepackage{paracol} % for two and three column entries
\usepackage{ifthen} % for conditional statements
\usepackage{needspace} % for avoiding page brake right after the section title
\usepackage{iftex} % check if engine is pdflatex, xetex or luatex
% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable:
((* if design.font == "Latin Modern Serif" *))
((* elif design.font == "Latin Modern Sans Serif" *))
((* elif design.font == "Latin Modern Mono" *))
((* elif design.font == "Source Sans 3" *))
\usepackage[default, type1]{sourcesanspro} 
((* elif design.font == "Charter" *))
((* endif *))
\usepackage{graphicx} % for the profile picture

% Some settings:
((* if design.text_alignment == "justified-with-no-hyphenation" *))
((* elif design.text_alignment == "left-aligned" *))
((* endif *))
\AtBeginEnvironment{adjustwidth}{\partopsep0pt} % remove space before adjustwidth environment
\pagestyle{empty} % no header or footer
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % no section numbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % no indentation
\setlength{\topskip}{0pt} % no top skip
\setlength{\columnsep}{0.15cm} % set column seperation
((* if design.disable_page_numbering *))
\pagenumbering{gobble} % no page numbering
((* else *))
((* set page_numbering_style_placeholders = {
    "PAGE_NUMBER": "\\thepage{}",
    "TOTAL_PAGES": "\pageref*{LastPage}",
    "TODAY": today
} *))
\let\ps@customFooterStyle\ps@plain % Copy the plain style to customFooterStyle
    \color{gray}\textit{\small <<locale_catalog.page_numbering_style|replace_placeholders_with_actual_values(page_numbering_style_placeholders)>>}
}{}{} % replace number by desired string
((* endif *))

    % avoid page braking right after the section title
    % make the font size of the section title large and color it with the primary color
    % print bold title, give 0.15 cm space and draw a line of 0.8 pt thickness
    % from the end of the title to the end of the body
}[] % section title formatting

    % left space:
    % top space:
    % bottom space:
} % section title spacing

% \renewcommand\labelitemi{$\vcenter{\hbox{\small$\bullet$}}$} % custom bullet points
        leftmargin=<<design.margins.highlights_area.left>> + 10pt
} % new environment for highlights

} % new environment for highlights for bullet entries

        <<design.margins.entry_area.left_and_right>> + 0.00001 cm
        <<design.margins.entry_area.left_and_right>> + 0.00001 cm
} % new environment for one column entries

    \setcolumnwidth{\fill, <<design.margins.entry_area.date_and_location_width>>}
    \switchcolumn \raggedleft \secondColumn
} % new environment for two column entries

    \setcolumnwidth{<<design.margins.entry_area.education_degree_width>>, \fill, <<design.margins.entry_area.date_and_location_width>>}
    {\raggedright #2} \switchcolumn
    \switchcolumn \raggedleft \thirdColumn
} % new environment for three column entries

} % new environment for the header

((* set last_updated_date_style_placeholders = {
    "TODAY": today,
} *))
\newcommand{\placelastupdatedtext}{% \placetextbox{<horizontal pos>}{<vertical pos>}{<stuff>}
  \AddToShipoutPictureFG*{% Add <stuff> to current page foreground

    \setcolumnwidth{\fill, 0.2\linewidth}
    \switchcolumn \raggedleft \secondColumn
} % new environment for headers with profile pictures

% save the original href command in a new command:

% new command for external links:
((* if not design.disable_external_link_icons *))
\renewcommand{\href}[2]{\hrefWithoutArrow{#1}{\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{ }{#2 }\raisebox{.15ex}{\footnotesize \faExternalLink*}}}
((* endif *))



((* if not design.disable_last_updated_date *))
((* endif *))
((* if is not none *))

((* if is not none *))

((* endif *))
    ((* if is not none *))
    ((* endif *))


    ((* for connection in cv.connections *))
        ((* if design.use_icons_for_connections *))
    \mbox{((*- if connection["url"] -*))
        ((*- else -*))
        ((*- endif -*))}%
        ((* else *))
    \mbox{((*- if connection["url"] -*))
        ((*- else -*))
        ((*- endif -*))}%
        ((* endif *))
        ((* if not loop.last *))
    \kern <<design.margins.header.horizontal_between_connections|divide_length_by(2)>>%
    \kern <<design.margins.header.horizontal_between_connections|divide_length_by(2)>>%
        ((* endif *))
    ((* endfor *))
((* if is not none *))
((* endif *))

\vspace{<<design.margins.header.bottom>> - <<>>}
((* endif *))



((* if entry_type == "BulletEntry" *))
((* endif *))


((* if entry_type == "BulletEntry" *))
((* endif *))


((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))



\item <<entry.bullet>>


((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))

    \textbf{<<entry.label>>:} <<entry.details>>


((* if section_title in design.show_timespan_in *))
    ((* set date_and_location_strings = [entry.location, entry.date_string, entry.time_span_string]|select("!=", "") *))
((* else *))
    ((* set date_and_location_strings = [entry.location, entry.date_string]|select("!=", "") *))
((* endif *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))

    \textbf{<<entry.institution>>}, <<entry.area>>
((* for item in entry.highlights *))
    ((* if loop.first *))
    ((* endif *))
        \item <<item>>
    ((* if loop.last *))
    ((* endif *))
((* endfor *))


((* if section_title in design.show_timespan_in *))
    ((* set date_and_location_strings = [entry.location, entry.date_string, entry.time_span_string]|select("!=", "") *))
((* else *))
    ((* set date_and_location_strings = [entry.location, entry.date_string]|select("!=", "") *))
((* endif *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))

((* if entry.date_string or entry.location *))
    \textbf{<<>>}, <<entry.position>>
    ((* for item in entry.highlights *))
        ((* if loop.first *))
        ((* endif *))
        \item <<item>>
        ((* if loop.last *))
        ((* endif *))
    ((* endfor *))
((* else *))
    \textbf{<<>>}, <<entry.position>>
    ((* for item in entry.highlights *))
        ((* if loop.first *))
        ((* endif *))
        \item <<item>>
        ((* if loop.last *))
        ((* endif *))
    ((* endfor *))
((* endif *))


((* if section_title in design.show_timespan_in *))
    ((* set date_and_location_strings = [entry.location, entry.date_string, entry.time_span_string]|select("!=", "") *))
((* else *))
    ((* set date_and_location_strings = [entry.location, entry.date_string]|select("!=", "") *))
((* endif *))
((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))

((* if entry.date_string or entry.location *))
    ((* for item in entry.highlights *))
        ((* if loop.first *))
        ((* endif *))
        \item <<item>>
        ((* if loop.last *))
        ((* endif *))
    ((* endfor *))
((* else *))
    ((* for item in entry.highlights *))
        ((* if loop.first *))
        ((* endif *))
        \item <<item>>
        ((* if loop.last *))
        ((* endif *))
    ((* endfor *))
((* endif *))


((* if not is_first_entry *))
((* endif *))

    ((* if entry.date_string *))
    ((* else *))
    ((* endif *))


        <<entry.authors|map("make_it_nolinebreak")|join(", ")>>
        ((* if entry.doi or entry.journal or entry.url *))

        ((* endif *))
        ((* if entry.doi -*))
        ((* elif entry.url -*))
        ((*- endif -*))
        ((*- if (entry.doi or entry.url) and entry.journal *)) (((* endif -*))
        ((*- if entry.journal -*))
        ((*- endif -*))
        ((*- if (entry.doi or entry.url) and entry.journal *)))((* endif *))
    ((* if entry.date_string *))
    ((* else *))
    ((* endif *))