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The rendercv.renderer package contains the necessary classes and functions for generating $\LaTeX$, PDF, Markdown, HTML, and PNG files from the RenderCVDataModel object.

The $\LaTeX$ and Markdown files are generated with Jinja2 templates. Then, the $\LaTeX$ file is rendered into a PDF with TinyTeX, a $\LaTeX$ distribution. The Markdown file is rendered into an HTML file with markdown package. The PDF files are rendered into PNG files with PyMuPDF/fitz package.

create_a_latex_file(rendercv_data_model, output_directory)

Render the $\LaTeX$ file with the given data model and write it to the output directory.


  • rendercv_data_model (RenderCVDataModel) –

    The data model.

  • output_directory (Path) –

    Path to the output directory.


  • Path

    The path to the generated $\LaTeX$ file.

Source code in rendercv/renderer/
def create_a_latex_file(
    rendercv_data_model: data.RenderCVDataModel, output_directory: pathlib.Path
) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Render the $\\LaTeX$ file with the given data model and write it to the output

        rendercv_data_model: The data model.
        output_directory: Path to the output directory.

        The path to the generated $\\LaTeX$ file.
    # create output directory if it doesn't exist:
    if not output_directory.is_dir():

    jinja2_environment = templater.setup_jinja2_environment()
    latex_file_object = templater.LaTeXFile(

    latex_file_name = f"{str(' ', '_')}_CV.tex"
    latex_file_path = output_directory / latex_file_name

    return latex_file_path

create_a_latex_file_and_copy_theme_files(rendercv_data_model, output_directory)

Render the $\LaTeX$ file with the given data model in the output directory and copy the auxiliary theme files to the output directory.


  • rendercv_data_model (RenderCVDataModel) –

    The data model.

  • output_directory (Path) –

    Path to the output directory.


  • Path

    The path to the rendered $\LaTeX$ file.

Source code in rendercv/renderer/
def create_a_latex_file_and_copy_theme_files(
    rendercv_data_model: data.RenderCVDataModel, output_directory: pathlib.Path
) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Render the $\\LaTeX$ file with the given data model in the output directory and
    copy the auxiliary theme files to the output directory.

        rendercv_data_model: The data model.
        output_directory: Path to the output directory.

        The path to the rendered $\\LaTeX$ file.
    latex_file_path = create_a_latex_file(rendercv_data_model, output_directory)
    copy_theme_files_to_output_directory(, output_directory
    return latex_file_path

create_a_markdown_file(rendercv_data_model, output_directory)

Render the Markdown file with the given data model and write it to the output directory.


  • rendercv_data_model (RenderCVDataModel) –

    The data model.

  • output_directory (Path) –

    Path to the output directory.


  • Path

    The path to the rendered Markdown file.

Source code in rendercv/renderer/
def create_a_markdown_file(
    rendercv_data_model: data.RenderCVDataModel, output_directory: pathlib.Path
) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Render the Markdown file with the given data model and write it to the output

        rendercv_data_model: The data model.
        output_directory: Path to the output directory.

        The path to the rendered Markdown file.
    # create output directory if it doesn't exist:
    if not output_directory.is_dir():

    jinja2_environment = templater.setup_jinja2_environment()
    markdown_file_object = templater.MarkdownFile(

    markdown_file_name = f"{str(' ', '_')}"
    markdown_file_path = output_directory / markdown_file_name

    return markdown_file_path

render_a_pdf_from_latex(latex_file_path, local_latex_command=None)

Run TinyTeX with the given $\LaTeX$ file to render the PDF.


  • latex_file_path (Path) –

    The path to the $\LaTeX$ file.


  • Path

    The path to the rendered PDF file.

Source code in rendercv/renderer/
def render_a_pdf_from_latex(
    latex_file_path: pathlib.Path, local_latex_command: Optional[str] = None
) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Run TinyTeX with the given $\\LaTeX$ file to render the PDF.

        latex_file_path: The path to the $\\LaTeX$ file.

        The path to the rendered PDF file.
    # check if the file exists:
    if not latex_file_path.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {latex_file_path} doesn't exist!")

    if local_latex_command:
        executable = local_latex_command

        # check if the command is working:
                [executable, "--version"],
                stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't capture the output
                stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't capture the error
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"[blue]{executable}[/blue] isn't installed! Please install LaTeX and"
                " try again (or don't use the"
                " [bright_black]--use-local-latex-command[/bright_black] option)."
        tinytex_binaries_directory = (
            pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "tinytex-release" / "TinyTeX" / "bin"

        executables = {
            "win32": tinytex_binaries_directory / "windows" / "pdflatex.exe",
            "linux": tinytex_binaries_directory / "x86_64-linux" / "pdflatex",
            "darwin": tinytex_binaries_directory / "universal-darwin" / "pdflatex",

        if sys.platform not in executables:
            raise OSError(f"TinyTeX doesn't support the platform {sys.platform}!")

        executable = executables[sys.platform]

        # check if the executable exists:
        if not executable.is_file():
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                f"The TinyTeX executable ({executable}) doesn't exist! If you are"
                " cloning the repository, make sure to clone it recursively to get the"
                " TinyTeX binaries. See the developer guide for more information."

    # Before running LaTeX, make sure the PDF file is not open in another program,
    # that wouldn't allow LaTeX to write to it. Remove the PDF file if it exists,
    # if it's not removable, then raise an error:
    pdf_file_path = latex_file_path.with_suffix(".pdf")
    if pdf_file_path.is_file():
        except PermissionError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"The PDF file {pdf_file_path} is open in another program and doesn't"
                " allow RenderCV to rewrite it. Please close the PDF file."

    # Run LaTeX to render the PDF:
    command = [
    with subprocess.Popen(
        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,  # capture the output
        stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't capture the error
        stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't allow LaTeX to ask for user input
    ) as latex_process:
        output = latex_process.communicate()  # wait for the process to finish
        if latex_process.returncode != 0:
            if local_latex_command:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"The local LaTeX command {local_latex_command} couldn't render"
                    " this LaTeX file into a PDF. Check out the log file"
                    f" {latex_file_path.with_suffix('.log')} in the output directory"
                    " for more information."
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "RenderCV's built-in TinyTeX binaries couldn't render this LaTeX"
                    " file into a PDF. This could be caused by one of two"
                    " reasons:\n\n1- The theme templates might have been updated in a"
                    " way RenderCV's TinyTeX cannot render. RenderCV's TinyTeX is"
                    " minified to keep the package size small. As a result, it doesn't"
                    " function like a general-purpose LaTeX distribution.\n2- Special"
                    " characters, like Greek or Chinese letters, that are not"
                    " compatible with the fonts used or RenderCV's TinyTeX might have"
                    " been used.\n\nHowever, this issue can be resolved by using your"
                    " own LaTeX distribution instead of the built-in TinyTeX. This can"
                    " be done with the '--use-local-latex-command' option, as shown"
                    " below:\n\nrendercv render --use-local-latex-command lualatex"
                    " John_Doe_CV.yaml\n\nIf you ensure that the generated LaTeX file"
                    " can be compiled by your local LaTeX distribution, RenderCV will"
                    " work successfully. You can debug the generated LaTeX file in"
                    " your LaTeX editor to resolve any bugs. Then, you can start using"
                    " RenderCV with your local LaTeX distribution.\n\nIf you can't"
                    " solve the problem, please open an issue on GitHub. Also, to see"
                    " the error, check out the log file"
                    f" {latex_file_path.with_suffix('.log')} in the output directory."
                output = output[0].decode("utf-8")
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                output = output[0].decode("latin-1")

            if "Rerun to get" in output:
                # Run TinyTeX again to get the references right:
                    stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't capture the output
                    stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't capture the error
                    stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,  # don't allow TinyTeX to ask for user input

    return pdf_file_path


Render an HTML file from a Markdown file with the same name and in the same directory. It uses rendercv/themes/main.j2.html as the Jinja2 template.


  • markdown_file_path (Path) –

    The path to the Markdown file.


  • Path

    The path to the rendered HTML file.

Source code in rendercv/renderer/
def render_an_html_from_markdown(markdown_file_path: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Render an HTML file from a Markdown file with the same name and in the same
    directory. It uses `rendercv/themes/main.j2.html` as the Jinja2 template.

        markdown_file_path: The path to the Markdown file.

        The path to the rendered HTML file.
    # check if the file exists:
    if not markdown_file_path.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {markdown_file_path} doesn't exist!")

    # Convert the markdown file to HTML:
    markdown_text = markdown_file_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
    html_body = markdown.markdown(markdown_text)

    # Get the title of the markdown content:
    title ="# (.*)\n", markdown_text)
    if title is None:
        title = ""
        title =

    jinja2_environment = templater.setup_jinja2_environment()
    html_template = jinja2_environment.get_template("main.j2.html")
    html = html_template.render(html_body=html_body, title=title)

    # Write html into a file:
    html_file_path = markdown_file_path.parent / f"{markdown_file_path.stem}.html"
    html_file_path.write_text(html, encoding="utf-8")

    return html_file_path


Render a PNG file for each page of the given PDF file.


  • pdf_file_path (Path) –

    The path to the PDF file.


  • list[Path]

    The paths to the rendered PNG files.

Source code in rendercv/renderer/
def render_pngs_from_pdf(pdf_file_path: pathlib.Path) -> list[pathlib.Path]:
    """Render a PNG file for each page of the given PDF file.

        pdf_file_path: The path to the PDF file.

        The paths to the rendered PNG files.
    # check if the file exists:
    if not pdf_file_path.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {pdf_file_path} doesn't exist!")

    # convert the PDF to PNG:
    png_directory = pdf_file_path.parent
    png_file_name = pdf_file_path.stem
    png_files = []
    pdf =  # open the PDF file
    for page in pdf:  # iterate the pages
        image = page.get_pixmap(dpi=300)  # type: ignore
        png_file_path = png_directory / f"{png_file_name}_{page.number+1}.png"  # type: ignore

    return png_files