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The rendercv.models.locale_catalog module contains the data model of the locale_catalog field of the input file.


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is the data model of the locale catalog. The values of each field updates the locale_catalog dictionary.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
class LocaleCatalog(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is the data model of the locale catalog. The values of each field
    updates the `locale_catalog` dictionary.

    phone_number_format: Optional[Literal["national", "international", "E164"]] = (
            title="Phone Number Format",
                "If 'national', phone numbers are formatted without the country code."
                " If 'international', phone numbers are formatted with the country"
                " code. The default value is 'national'."
    date_style: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        default="MONTH_ABBREVIATION YEAR",
        title="Date Style",
            "The style of the date. The following placeholders can be used:\n-"
            " FULL_MONTH_NAME: Full name of the month\n- MONTH_ABBREVIATION:"
            " Abbreviation of the month\n- MONTH: Month as a number\n-"
            " MONTH_IN_TWO_DIGITS: Month as a number in two digits\n- YEAR: Year as a"
            " number\n- YEAR_IN_TWO_DIGITS: Year as a number in two digits\nThe default"
            ' value is "MONTH_ABBREVIATION YEAR".'
    month: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        title='Translation of "Month"',
        description='Translation of the word "month" in the locale.',
    months: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        title='Translation of "Months"',
        description='Translation of the word "months" in the locale.',
    year: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        title='Translation of "Year"',
        description='Translation of the word "year" in the locale.',
    years: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        title='Translation of "Years"',
        description='Translation of the word "years" in the locale.',
    present: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        title='Translation of "Present"',
        description='Translation of the word "present" in the locale.',
    to: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
        default="–",  # NOQA: RUF001
        title='Translation of "To"',
            "The word or character used to indicate a range in the locale (e.g.,"
            ' "2020 - 2021").'
    abbreviations_for_months: Optional[
        Annotated[list[str], at.Len(min_length=12, max_length=12)]
    ] = pydantic.Field(
        # Month abbreviations are taken from
        title="Abbreviations of Months",
        description="Abbreviations of the months in the locale.",
    full_names_of_months: Optional[
        Annotated[list[str], at.Len(min_length=12, max_length=12)]
    ] = pydantic.Field(
        title="Full Names of Months",
        description="Full names of the months in the locale.",

    def update_locale_catalog(cls, value: str, info: pydantic.ValidationInfo) -> str:
        """Update the `locale_catalog` dictionary."""
        if value:
            LOCALE_CATALOG[info.field_name] = value  # type: ignore

        return value

update_locale_catalog(value, info) classmethod

Update the locale_catalog dictionary.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def update_locale_catalog(cls, value: str, info: pydantic.ValidationInfo) -> str:
    """Update the `locale_catalog` dictionary."""
    if value:
        LOCALE_CATALOG[info.field_name] = value  # type: ignore

    return value