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The module contains the data model of the cv field of the input file.


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is the parent class of all the section types. It is being used in RenderCV internally, and it is not meant to be used directly by the users. It is used by rendercv.data_models.utilities.create_a_section_model function to create a section model based on any entry type.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
class SectionBase(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is the parent class of all the section types. It is being used
    in RenderCV internally, and it is not meant to be used directly by the users.
    It is used by `rendercv.data_models.utilities.create_a_section_model` function to
    create a section model based on any entry type.

    title: str
    entry_type: str
    entries: list[Any]


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys

This class is the data model of a social network.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
class SocialNetwork(RenderCVBaseModelWithoutExtraKeys):
    """This class is the data model of a social network."""

    model_config = pydantic.ConfigDict(
        title="Social Network",
    network: SocialNetworkName = pydantic.Field(
        title="Social Network",
    username: str = pydantic.Field(
            "The username used in the social network. The link will be generated"
            " automatically."

    def check_username(cls, username: str, info: pydantic.ValidationInfo) -> str:
        """Check if the username is provided correctly."""
        if "network" not in
            # the network is either not provided or not one of the available social
            # networks. In this case, don't check the username, since Pydantic will
            # raise an error for the network.
            return username

        network =["network"]

        return validate_a_social_network_username(username, network)

    @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after")  # type: ignore
    def check_url(self) -> "SocialNetwork":
        """Validate the URL of the social network."""
        if == "Mastodon":
            # All the other social networks have valid URLs. Mastodon URLs contain both
            # the username and the domain. So, we need to validate if the url is valid.

        return self

    def url(self) -> str:
        """Return the URL of the social network and cache `url` as an attribute of the
        if == "Mastodon":
            # Split domain and username
            _, username, domain = self.username.split("@")
            url = f"https://{domain}/@{username}"
            url_dictionary = {
                "LinkedIn": "",
                "GitHub": "",
                "GitLab": "",
                "Instagram": "",
                "ORCID": "",
                "StackOverflow": "",
                "ResearchGate": "",
                "YouTube": "",
                "Google Scholar": "",
                "Telegram": "",
                "X": "",
            url = url_dictionary[] + self.username

        return url

url: str cached property

Return the URL of the social network and cache url as an attribute of the instance.

check_username(username, info) classmethod

Check if the username is provided correctly.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def check_username(cls, username: str, info: pydantic.ValidationInfo) -> str:
    """Check if the username is provided correctly."""
    if "network" not in
        # the network is either not provided or not one of the available social
        # networks. In this case, don't check the username, since Pydantic will
        # raise an error for the network.
        return username

    network =["network"]

    return validate_a_social_network_username(username, network)


Validate the URL of the social network.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
@pydantic.model_validator(mode="after")  # type: ignore
def check_url(self) -> "SocialNetwork":
    """Validate the URL of the social network."""
    if == "Mastodon":
        # All the other social networks have valid URLs. Mastodon URLs contain both
        # the username and the domain. So, we need to validate if the url is valid.

    return self


Bases: RenderCVBaseModelWithExtraKeys

This class is the data model of the cv field.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
class CurriculumVitae(RenderCVBaseModelWithExtraKeys):
    """This class is the data model of the `cv` field."""

    model_config = pydantic.ConfigDict(
    name: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
    location: Optional[str] = pydantic.Field(
    email: Optional[pydantic.EmailStr] = pydantic.Field(
    photo: Optional[pathlib.Path] = pydantic.Field(
        description="Path to the photo of the person, relative to the input file.",
    phone: Optional[pydantic_phone_numbers.PhoneNumber] = pydantic.Field(
            "Country code should be included. For example, +1 for the United States."
    website: Optional[pydantic.HttpUrl] = pydantic.Field(
    social_networks: Optional[list[SocialNetwork]] = pydantic.Field(
        title="Social Networks",
    sections_input: Sections = pydantic.Field(
        description="The sections of the CV, like Education, Experience, etc.",
        # This is an alias to allow users to use `sections` in the YAML file:
        # `sections` key is preserved for RenderCV's internal use.

    def update_photo_path(cls, value: Optional[pathlib.Path]) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
        """Cast `photo` to Path and make the path absolute"""
        if value:
            from .rendercv_data_model import INPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY

            if INPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY is not None:
                profile_picture_parent_folder = INPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY
                profile_picture_parent_folder = pathlib.Path.cwd()

            return profile_picture_parent_folder / str(value)

        return value

    def update_curriculum_vitae(cls, value: str, info: pydantic.ValidationInfo) -> str:
        """Update the `curriculum_vitae` dictionary."""
        if value:
            curriculum_vitae[info.field_name] = value  # type: ignore

        return value

    def connections(self) -> list[dict[str, Optional[str]]]:
        """Return all the connections of the person as a list of dictionaries and cache
        `connections` as an attribute of the instance. The connections are used in the
        header of the CV.

            The connections of the person.

        connections: list[dict[str, Optional[str]]] = []

        if self.location is not None:
                    "typst_icon": "location-dot",
                    "url": None,
                    "clean_url": None,
                    "placeholder": self.location,

        if is not None:
                    "typst_icon": "envelope",
                    "url": f"mailto:{}",

        if is not None:
            phone_placeholder = computers.format_phone_number(
                    "typst_icon": "phone",
                    "clean_url": phone_placeholder,
                    "placeholder": phone_placeholder,

        if is not None:
            website_placeholder = computers.make_a_url_clean(str(
                    "typst_icon": "link",
                    "url": str(,
                    "clean_url": website_placeholder,
                    "placeholder": website_placeholder,

        if self.social_networks is not None:
            icon_dictionary = {
                "LinkedIn": "linkedin",
                "GitHub": "github",
                "GitLab": "gitlab",
                "Instagram": "instagram",
                "Mastodon": "mastodon",
                "ORCID": "orcid",
                "StackOverflow": "stack-overflow",
                "ResearchGate": "researchgate",
                "YouTube": "youtube",
                "Google Scholar": "graduation-cap",
                "Telegram": "telegram",
                "X": "x-twitter",
            for social_network in self.social_networks:
                clean_url = computers.make_a_url_clean(social_network.url)
                connection = {
                    "typst_icon": icon_dictionary[],
                    "url": social_network.url,
                    "clean_url": clean_url,
                    "placeholder": social_network.username,

                if == "StackOverflow":
                    username = social_network.username.split("/")[1]
                    connection["placeholder"] = username
                if == "Google Scholar":
                    connection["placeholder"] = "Google Scholar"

                connections.append(connection)  # type: ignore

        return connections

    def sections(self) -> list[SectionBase]:
        """Compute the sections of the CV based on the input sections.

        The original `sections` input is a dictionary where the keys are the section titles
        and the values are the list of entries in that section. This function converts the
        input sections to a list of `SectionBase` objects. This makes it easier to work with
        the sections in the rest of the code.

            The computed sections.
        sections: list[SectionBase] = []

        if self.sections_input is not None:
            for title, entries in self.sections_input.items():
                formatted_title = computers.dictionary_key_to_proper_section_title(

                # The first entry can be used because all the entries in the section are
                # already validated with the `validate_a_section` function:
                entry_type_name, _ = get_entry_type_name_and_section_validator(
                    entries[0],  # type: ignore

                # SectionBase is used so that entries are not validated again:
                section = SectionBase(

        return sections

    def serialize_phone(
        self, phone: Optional[pydantic_phone_numbers.PhoneNumber]
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        """Serialize the phone number."""
        if phone is not None:
            return phone.replace("tel:", "")

        return phone

connections: list[dict[str, Optional[str]]] cached property

Return all the connections of the person as a list of dictionaries and cache connections as an attribute of the instance. The connections are used in the header of the CV.


  • list[dict[str, Optional[str]]]

    The connections of the person.

sections: list[SectionBase] cached property

Compute the sections of the CV based on the input sections.

The original sections input is a dictionary where the keys are the section titles and the values are the list of entries in that section. This function converts the input sections to a list of SectionBase objects. This makes it easier to work with the sections in the rest of the code.


update_photo_path(value) classmethod

Cast photo to Path and make the path absolute

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def update_photo_path(cls, value: Optional[pathlib.Path]) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
    """Cast `photo` to Path and make the path absolute"""
    if value:
        from .rendercv_data_model import INPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY

        if INPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY is not None:
            profile_picture_parent_folder = INPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY
            profile_picture_parent_folder = pathlib.Path.cwd()

        return profile_picture_parent_folder / str(value)

    return value

update_curriculum_vitae(value, info) classmethod

Update the curriculum_vitae dictionary.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def update_curriculum_vitae(cls, value: str, info: pydantic.ValidationInfo) -> str:
    """Update the `curriculum_vitae` dictionary."""
    if value:
        curriculum_vitae[info.field_name] = value  # type: ignore

    return value


Serialize the phone number.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def serialize_phone(
    self, phone: Optional[pydantic_phone_numbers.PhoneNumber]
) -> Optional[str]:
    """Serialize the phone number."""
    if phone is not None:
        return phone.replace("tel:", "")

    return phone


Validate a URL.


  • url (str) –

    The URL to validate.


  • str

    The validated URL.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def validate_url(url: str) -> str:
    """Validate a URL.

        url: The URL to validate.

        The validated URL.
    return url


Create a section model based on the entry type. See Pydantic's documentation about dynamic model creation for more information.

The section model is used to validate a section.


  • entry_type (type) –

    The entry type to create the section model. It's not an instance of the entry type, but the entry type itself.


  • type[SectionBase]

    The section validator (a Pydantic model).

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def create_a_section_validator(entry_type: type) -> type[SectionBase]:
    """Create a section model based on the entry type. See [Pydantic's documentation
    about dynamic model
    for more information.

    The section model is used to validate a section.

        entry_type: The entry type to create the section model. It's not an instance of
            the entry type, but the entry type itself.

        The section validator (a Pydantic model).
    if entry_type is str:
        model_name = "SectionWithTextEntries"
        entry_type_name = "TextEntry"
        model_name = "SectionWith" + entry_type.__name__.replace("Entry", "Entries")
        entry_type_name = entry_type.__name__

    return pydantic.create_model(
        entry_type=(Literal[entry_type_name], ...),  # type: ignore
        entries=(list[entry_type], ...),


Get the characteristic attributes of the entry types.


  • entry_types (tuple[type]) –

    The entry types to get their characteristic attributes. These are not instances of the entry types, but the entry types themselves. str type should not be included in this list.


  • dict[type, set[str]]

    The characteristic attributes of the entry types.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def get_characteristic_entry_attributes(
    entry_types: tuple[type],
) -> dict[type, set[str]]:
    """Get the characteristic attributes of the entry types.

        entry_types: The entry types to get their characteristic attributes. These are
            not instances of the entry types, but the entry types themselves. `str` type
            should not be included in this list.

        The characteristic attributes of the entry types.
    # Look at all the entry types, collect their attributes with
    # EntryType.model_fields.keys() and find the common ones.
    all_attributes = []
    for EntryType in entry_types:

    common_attributes = {
        attribute for attribute in all_attributes if all_attributes.count(attribute) > 1

    # Store each entry type's characteristic attributes in a dictionary:
    characteristic_entry_attributes = {}
    for EntryType in entry_types:
        characteristic_entry_attributes[EntryType] = (
            set(EntryType.model_fields.keys()) - common_attributes

    return characteristic_entry_attributes

get_entry_type_name_and_section_validator(entry, entry_types)

Get the entry type name and the section validator based on the entry.

It takes an entry (as a dictionary or a string) and a list of entry types. Then it determines the entry type and creates a section validator based on the entry type.


  • entry (Optional[dict[str, str | list[str]] | str | type]) –

    The entry to determine its type.

  • entry_types (tuple[type]) –

    The entry types to determine the entry type. These are not instances of the entry types, but the entry types themselves. str type should not be included in this list.


  • tuple[str, type[SectionBase]]

    The entry type name and the section validator.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def get_entry_type_name_and_section_validator(
    entry: Optional[dict[str, str | list[str]] | str | type], entry_types: tuple[type]
) -> tuple[str, type[SectionBase]]:
    """Get the entry type name and the section validator based on the entry.

    It takes an entry (as a dictionary or a string) and a list of entry types. Then
    it determines the entry type and creates a section validator based on the entry

        entry: The entry to determine its type.
        entry_types: The entry types to determine the entry type. These are not
            instances of the entry types, but the entry types themselves. `str` type
            should not be included in this list.

        The entry type name and the section validator.

    if isinstance(entry, dict):
        entry_type_name = None  # the entry type is not determined yet
        characteristic_entry_attributes = get_characteristic_entry_attributes(

        for (
        ) in characteristic_entry_attributes.items():
            # If at least one of the characteristic_entry_attributes is in the entry,
            # then it means the entry is of this type:
            if characteristic_attributes & set(entry.keys()):
                entry_type_name = EntryType.__name__
                section_type = create_a_section_validator(EntryType)

        if entry_type_name is None:
            message = "The entry is not provided correctly."
            raise ValueError(message)

    elif isinstance(entry, str):
        # Then it is a TextEntry
        entry_type_name = "TextEntry"
        section_type = create_a_section_validator(str)

    elif entry is None:
        message = "The entry cannot be a null value."
        raise ValueError(message)

        # Then the entry is already initialized with a data model:
        entry_type_name = entry.__class__.__name__
        section_type = create_a_section_validator(entry.__class__)

    return entry_type_name, section_type  # type: ignore

validate_a_section(sections_input, entry_types)

Validate a list of entries (a section) based on the entry types.

Sections input is a list of entries. Since there are multiple entry types, it is not possible to validate it directly. Firstly, the entry type is determined with the get_entry_type_name_and_section_validator function. If the entry type cannot be determined, an error is raised. If the entry type is determined, the rest of the list is validated with the section validator.


  • sections_input (list[Any]) –

    The sections input to validate.

  • entry_types (tuple[type]) –

    The entry types to determine the entry type. These are not instances of the entry types, but the entry types themselves. str type should not be included in this list.


  • list[Entry]

    The validated sections input.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def validate_a_section(
    sections_input: list[Any], entry_types: tuple[type]
) -> list[entry_types.Entry]:
    """Validate a list of entries (a section) based on the entry types.

    Sections input is a list of entries. Since there are multiple entry types, it is not
    possible to validate it directly. Firstly, the entry type is determined with the
    `get_entry_type_name_and_section_validator` function. If the entry type cannot be
    determined, an error is raised. If the entry type is determined, the rest of the
    list is validated with the section validator.

        sections_input: The sections input to validate.
        entry_types: The entry types to determine the entry type. These are not
            instances of the entry types, but the entry types themselves. `str` type
            should not be included in this list.

        The validated sections input.
    if isinstance(sections_input, list):
        # Find the entry type based on the first identifiable entry:
        entry_type_name = None
        section_type = None
        for entry in sections_input:
                entry_type_name, section_type = (
                    get_entry_type_name_and_section_validator(entry, entry_types)
            except ValueError:
                # If the entry type cannot be determined, try the next entry:

        if entry_type_name is None or section_type is None:
            message = (
                "RenderCV couldn't match this section with any entry types! Please"
                " check the entries and make sure they are provided correctly."
            raise ValueError(
                "",  # This is the location of the error
                "",  # This is value of the error

        section = {
            "title": "Test Section",
            "entry_type": entry_type_name,
            "entries": sections_input,

            section_object = section_type.model_validate(
            sections_input = section_object.entries
        except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
            new_error = ValueError(
                "There are problems with the entries. RenderCV detected the entry type"
                f" of this section to be {entry_type_name}! The problems are shown"
                " below.",
                "",  # This is the location of the error
                "",  # This is value of the error
            raise new_error from e

        message = (
            "Each section should be a list of entries! Please see the documentation for"
            " more information about the sections."
        raise ValueError(message)
    return sections_input

validate_a_social_network_username(username, network)

Check if the username field in the SocialNetwork model is provided correctly.


  • username (str) –

    The username to validate.


  • str

    The validated username.

Source code in rendercv/data/models/
def validate_a_social_network_username(username: str, network: str) -> str:
    """Check if the `username` field in the `SocialNetwork` model is provided correctly.

        username: The username to validate.

        The validated username.
    if network == "Mastodon":
        mastodon_username_pattern = r"@[^@]+@[^@]+"
        if not re.fullmatch(mastodon_username_pattern, username):
            message = 'Mastodon username should be in the format "@username@domain"!'
            raise ValueError(message)
    elif network == "StackOverflow":
        stackoverflow_username_pattern = r"\d+\/[^\/]+"
        if not re.fullmatch(stackoverflow_username_pattern, username):
            message = (
                'StackOverflow username should be in the format "user_id/username"!'
            raise ValueError(message)
    elif network == "YouTube":
        if username.startswith("@"):
            message = (
                'YouTube username should not start with "@"! Remove "@" from the'
                " beginning of the username."
            raise ValueError(message)
    elif network == "ORCID":
        orcid_username_pattern = r"\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{3}[\dX]"
        if not re.fullmatch(orcid_username_pattern, username):
            message = "ORCID username should be in the format 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX'!"
            raise ValueError(message)

    return username